Domestic Assault Case Result Smith County, TN

/Domestic Assault Case Result Smith County, TN

Domestic Assault Case Result Smith County, TN

Client was charged with multiple counts of domestic assault and interference with an emergency call in Smith County, Carthage, Tennessee. Our office was able to get the District Attorney to agree to set a bond in this case on the condition the client complete an Anger Management Assessment. After completing an eight-hour anger management course and paying restitution, our office was able to convince the District Attorney to dismiss these charges if the client was willing to pay restitution. The client paid the restitution, and subsequently all of his charges were dismissed. Client was very happy with his win in Smith County.

2022-02-11T23:36:24+07:00 February 11th, 2022|Comments Off on Domestic Assault Case Result Smith County, TN