DUI Defense Attorney Frank Lannom
A DUI charge carries consequences upon conviction that include losing your driver’s license, mandatory jail time, fines, one year of probation, and attendance at an alcohol education class. Did you know that a DUI conviction could also affect your handgun carry permit?
A DUI first conviction suspends your right to carry a concealed firearm for the duration that you are on probation, which is typically one year. That isn’t necessarily the end of the story for your 2nd amendment rights.
First, bail conditions may prevent you from possessing any firearm in addition to preventing possession and/or consumption of drinking alcohol. Upon conviction, many misdemeanor probations that accompany a DUI conviction prevent the possession of a firearm as well. If convicted of any Class A misdemeanor, you are required to surrender your carry permit to the court and your 2nd Amendment right is “suspended” until the term of probation has expired. Other offenses that are unrelated to the responsible possession of guns and restrict your ability to possess firearms include some gambling offenses if value is over $250, having more than one annual event for the benefit of the same charitable 501(c)(3) organization, manufacturing alcoholic beverages, having a small amount of marijuana on you, or having a refrigerator or freezer without an internal latch. Some of these criminal offenses may not even be known to you but could result in you not being able to protect your family.
Tennessee law places further limitations on applicants applying for a new gun permit who have been convicted of two (2) or more DUI offenses in Tennessee or elsewhere within ten (10) years with one of the convictions being in the last five (5) years. As a rule, multiple convictions or recent convictions may affect your ability to obtain a carry permit if you do not already have one.
A DUI 4th or subsequent conviction is treated like other felonies, you forever lose your right to possess a firearm under state and federal law. Your current carry permit will be suspended, and any new application denied. In short, a DUI conviction is always a concern to those who possess and carry firearms. Avoid drinking and driving, avoid making home brew in your garage, and avoid not having an internal latch in your refrigerator. But, if you are charged with DUI or any other charge that might affect your right to protect yourself and your family, finding am experienced defense attorney who values your constitutional freedoms is a necessity if you value your 2nd amendment rights.
We can help.
In Defense of the Citizen Accused,