Multiple Burglary Charges

/Multiple Burglary Charges

Multiple Burglary Charges

iolation: 3 Counts of Aggravated Burglary, 1 Count Burglary

Result: Probation

Client was charged with three aggravated burglaries and one count of burglary. Unfortunately, the burglary account involved a large local church and the use of their credit cards at Wal-Mart. The client gave a full statement of her involvement to police at the urging of her grandfather. High emotions were brought out from the community related to the church burglary. Using the client’s cooperation and positive background, after well over a year of litigation, an agreement was reached with some extensive probation. The client avoided all jail time and entered a plea under judicial diverison, so upon completion of the probation the client will have NO criminal record. It always feels good to give a young person a shot at a positive future.

2018-01-28T16:37:06+07:00 January 28th, 2018|Comments Off on Multiple Burglary Charges