Things to know about Smith County General Sessions Court

//Things to know about Smith County General Sessions Court
Things to know about Smith County General Sessions Court 2019-03-16T07:38:10+07:00
Smith County criminal defense lawyer

Criminal Defense Attorney Frank Lannom

Don’t Go To Smith County General Sessions Unprepared

Every courtroom has rules unique to the particular judge that presides over it and county in which it’s located. Judge Michael Collins is the only elected General Sessions Judge in Smith County. Due to many problems with drug addiction in this county, the judge understandably has real heart to address those problems with those who appear before him. But if you’re unaware or unprepared for this court, you can quickly wind up in jail.

You May Be Required To Take A Drug Test

For various reasons, people are regularly required to submit to drug tests while in court. A failed test, even for marijuana use as old as 60 days in the past, almost alway results in the persons immediate incarceration. The law does put limits on a judge’s ability to sua sponte, or “on the spot incarcerating people“, and when they can be required to submit to the drug screen. Often, such as when a person is released on a misdemeanor citation, the judge has no legal right to incarcerate the person unless they are impaired while in the court room.

Your Attorney Should Know The Law – Even If The Judge Does Not

I recently represented a young man who was ordered to jail and was able to have a discussion with the judge about why my client’s incarceration was not necessary and the legal prohibitions against his ruling to incarcerate. This result in the client being freed and able to go home.

Hire An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney

When in Smith County General Sessions Court it is imperative to understand the sanctions from a positive drug screen and the benefits of being able to test clean. It is vital to your freedom to have a professional criminal defense attorney who understands the law and nuances of the Smith County criminal courts.  Our office has the experience, understanding, and professionalism to deal with all aspects of this court and will be glad to help you if you are facing charges in Smith County. Our phones are answered 24/7 so call us if you need us (615) 444-3995.

In the defense of the citizen accused.

Frank Lannom